If you are on this page you will definitely know what a Flipbook is and how it works. You will most likely also have tried some services or software to create your own custom Flipbook. Unfortunately not all of these software are valid, especially if you plan to share and send a flipbook via email.
To send a flipbook by email you have two possibilities:
- Upload the flipbook first online (on your website or other hosting service) and then email the flipbook link
- Attach your flipbook directly to your email and send it to recipients
If you are looking for a software solution that allows you to do both of the things described above, then we recommend that you try My Flipbook Software. It is one of the few programs around that can turn a PDF file into a single HTML file (with your flipbook). This single HTML file that is generated allows you to view the flipbook on any device and also in OFFLINE mode.
Unlike other services that generate multiple files and folders related to the same flipbook, MyFlipbook creates a single file, so it’s easier to attach and email it.Here are the details on how to use MyFlipbook to convert a PDF to Flipbook and then send the flipbook via email.
How to Send a FlipBook via Email with MyFlipbook
First, download the free version of MyFlipbook to your Windows or MAC computer from the following link:
After downloading and installing the program, the following main window will open:
Click CREATE NEW FLIPBOOK and select the PDF from your computer. Then, automatically, the program will perform the conversion from PDF to Flipbook and when you finish you will see the result in the central window of the program.
On the left side of the program you will have all the functions to customize your flipbook. You can add title, description, change logo, change background image, choose resolution, add Google Analytics code, activate the search form, manage hyperlinks within the flipbook and also add Youtube videos.
When the changes are complete, click BUILD FLIPBOOK to regenerate the file. Finally click on the SAVE ON PC button to save the flipbook to your computer.
A single file (HTML format) will be created that you can open and view with any browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, etc.). To send this file via email you just have to write your email and attach the flipboook HTML file.
You don’t need to upload your flipbook online and then share it via email! Simple, fast and intuitive!